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The Differences between Ceramic Fiber Paper And Ceramic Fiber Cloth

Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-15      Origin: Site

Ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth, as two of the important ceramic fiber products, share a set of key characteristics making them highly sought-after for industrial applications. Known for their exceptional resistance to high temperatures, low thermal conductivity, lightweight nature, and flexibility, these products offer efficient thermal insulation and find application in furnaces, kilns, and other high-temperature processes.

With low heat storage, chemical resistance, and resistance to thermal shock, ceramic fiber products are durable, easy to handle, and ideal for environments where rapid temperature changes are frequent. Their non-combustible nature, dielectric strength, and resistance to biological growth further enhance their suitability for applications ranging from insulation to fire-resistant materials, demonstrating their versatility across a wide spectrum of industries.

Next, we will learn about the differences between ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth from two aspects: characteristics and applications:

What are ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth?

Ceramic fiber paper is a flexible, lightweight material with a texture similar to paper. It is usually manufactured in sheet form and is available in a variety of thicknesses. Ceramic fiber paper is formed and dried from a mixture of ceramic fibers, binders and additives.

Ceramic Fiber Paper

Ceramic fiber cloth is a woven fabric made of ceramic fiber. The weaving process creates a flexible and durable textile with good strength. Ceramic fiber cloth is available in different thicknesses and densities.

Ceramic Fiber Cloth

Characteristics Differences between ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth

Structure appearance

Ceramic fiber paper: Ceramic fiber paper is refined by vacuum filtration process. Unlike ceramic fiber cloth, it does not have the grid-like structure found in ceramic fiber cloth.

Ceramic fiber cloth: Ceramic fiber cloth has a recognizable pattern and is carefully woven from ceramic fiber yarns, forming a grid pattern through the interweaving of warp and weft threads.


There is a difference in density between the two materials, with ceramic fiber paper generally having a lower density compared to ceramic fiber cloth.


Ceramic fiber paper: Very thin, the thinnest ceramic fiber paper can reach about 0.5 mm, suitable for applications requiring slender insulation materials.

Ceramic fiber cloth: Although ceramic fiber cloth is also very thin, its thickness is limited, usually starting from about 1 mm. This makes it the material of choice for applications that require a balance between flexibility and structural integrity.

Support and stiffness

Ceramic fiber paper: In addition to its insulating properties, ceramic fiber paper also provides a certain degree of support and rigidity. It can be erected like a wooden board, enhancing its versatility in a variety of applications.

Ceramic fiber cloth: In contrast, ceramic fiber cloth lacks inherent support, resulting in the material not having the rigidity needed to stand upright on its own.

Tear resistance

Ceramic fiber paper: The addition of organic matter makes ceramic fiber paper easy to tear by hand. While providing flexibility, this feature requires careful handling to avoid accidental damage.

Ceramic fiber cloth: Ceramic fiber cloth has excellent tear resistance and generally will not be torn by hand. This enhanced durability makes it ideal for applications where ruggedness is a priority.

Application differences between ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth

Ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth are both versatile materials with unique characteristics, and their applications can vary based on their specific properties. Let's delve into the application differences between ceramic fiber paper and ceramic fiber cloth in detail:

Ceramic Fiber Paper

Insulation and Gasketing

Ceramic fiber paper is often used for high-temperature insulation in applications where flexibility and conformability are crucial. It is commonly employed as a gasket material due to its ability to conform to irregular surfaces, providing a tight seal.

Example: Sealing flanges and joints in industrial furnaces or kilns.

Thermal Barrier

Ceramic fiber paper serves as an effective thermal barrier, preventing heat transfer. It finds applications in areas where a lightweight insulation material is required.

Example: Wrapping pipes or ducts to reduce heat loss.

Die-Cutting and Machining

Its flexibility makes ceramic fiber paper suitable for die-cutting and machining into custom shapes, enabling precise fits in various applications.

Example: Creating custom insulation for intricate machinery components.

Heat Shielding

Due to its low thermal conductivity, ceramic fiber paper is used as a heat shield in applications where protection against radiant heat is essential.

Example: Heat shields in automotive applications, such as protecting sensitive components from exhaust heat.

Ceramic Fiber Cloth

High-Temperature Clothing

Ceramic fiber cloth, being more robust and durable, is often employed in manufacturing high-temperature-resistant clothing and accessories for workers in industries with extreme heat conditions.

Example: fire-fighting suits worn by firefighters, explosion-proof suits worn by explosion discharge professionals, etc.

Flexible Expansion Joints

Its flexibility and resistance to high temperatures make ceramic fiber cloth suitable for fabricating flexible expansion joints that can withstand thermal movements in industrial applications.

Example: Fabricating expansion joints in piping systems in high-temperature industrial environments.

Molten Metal Splash Protection

Ceramic fiber cloth is used in applications where protection against molten metal splash is necessary due to its ability to resist high temperatures and provide a barrier against splashes.

Example: Protective curtains or blankets in metalworking industries.

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